You Are Hired! What’s Next?
Job Application Requirements You Must Prepare
Now that you have passed the job interview, what is your next step? Whether you’re a fresh grad starting a new job, or just switching to a new career, there are documents you need to prepare for your pre-employment requirements.
Here’s a list of the most common documents you need to have:
You will need to get a copy of your PSA Birth Certificate. You may request it in person (walk-in) or apply online and have it delivered. Walk-ins first must secure an appointment online through PSA Civil Registration Service Appointment System (CRS Online Appointment System), then follow the procedure. For online application and delivery, you may visit PSAHelpline.ph.
This is only for employers to check whether what’s stated on your resume or curriculum vitae is true and correct. You can get this from your Alma Mater. Only photocopies are submitted so make sure to have it photocopied before heading to your application. You still need to bring the original in case it is needed for verification.
SSS or Social Security System is a mandatory contribution of all employees which ensures that you will enjoy work leaves and other benefits such as maternity, sickness, disability, and pension upon your retirement.
First time applicants will be required to submit SSS E1 form (Personal Record). If you already have your SSS Number, you need SSS E4 form (Member Data Change Request). To apply for SS Number online, visit https://www.sss.gov.ph/sss.
Like SSS, Pag-IBIG is also a mandatory contribution. It backs affordable housing loans and other benefits such as calamity funds and multi-purpose loans. You may visit the PAG-IBIG website at https://www.pagibigfundservices.com/ for online registration.
Also a mandatory contribution, PhilHealth provides discounts on hospitalization with its comprehensive benefits package, financial assistance, and access to affordable healthcare services. Here are 3 options to register (for new members).
Registration via Email Request - Download PhilHealth Members Registration Form (PMRF) online (https://www.philhealth.gov.ph/downloads/). Print out and FILL OUT MANUALLY because PhilHealth won’t accept electronically signed forms. Send your forms in .PDF or .JPEG format with a photo of your valid ID to actioncenter@philhealth.gov.ph with the subject: REGISTER (space) NAME (space) CITY/PROVINCE, REGION. Your PIN will be sent to the email address you provided.
Manual submission - Visit any nearest PhilHealth Branch near you.
A Tax Identification Number or TIN is a permanent and unique number assigned to every taxpayer issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to ensure that individuals, businesses, or organizations pay correct taxes on time. You can register and apply for a TIN and ID at the Revenue District Office (RDO) in your city. Usually, it’s your first employer that processes your TIN. Visit https://www.bir.gov.ph/ for more information.
Clearance from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is required so that your employer can verify that you don’t have a criminal record. Register an account at https://clearance.nbi.gov.ph/ then fill out the application form. Choose a date for your appointment and preferred NBI branch, then pay online. Once your payment is verified, you will receive a confirmation, reference number, and QR code. Bring this to your appointment.
Like the NBI Clearance, Police clearance is a validation that you do not have criminal records or pending complaints received in the department. To get your clearance, register an account at https://pnpclearance.ph/ and set an appointment at the nearest police station, then pay the fee online. Once payment is confirmed, you will receive your reference number for your appointment.
This is to ensure that you are physically capable of working. Some employers have preferred or affiliated clinics where applicants can go for their medical examination. Some of the basic tests required are:
Physical Exam
Chest X-Ray
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Drug Test
The list mentioned is only the basic pre-employment requirements you need to prepare. Other documents might not be required depending on the company's requirements. HR Department will provide you with the mandated requirements you have to submit.